BeFueled Sports Nutrition Blog
How to Improve Performance Through Nutrition
Everyday Nutrition Fundamentals
Everyday nutrition... it sounds so simple yet can feel so overwhelming. Recently, I traveled to PA for the opportunity to talk to a group of 175 endurance athletes along with coaches about nutrition for performance. We talked about hydration and doing the “simple...
Iron and Athletes … What You Need to Know
Iron deficiency in athletes is talked about a lot... and for good reason!! Last month on the blog, we looked at supplementation for athletes and gave some tips on how to decide if you need one as an active person. This month, we are diving a little deeper into iron...
Should You Supplement As An Athlete?
Have you ever wondered whether or not you should take a supplement as an athlete? As an active person, it’s tough to know when you should or shouldn’t consider supplementation in your nutrition routine. There is a wealth of information out there that is confusing,...
FODMAPs for Athletes
Have you ever heard of the acronym “FODMAP” before? FODMAP’s are a group of small chain carbohydrates composed of sugar and fiber that are abundant in everyday foods. However, they can cause some malabsorption problems in the GI tract for some people. FODMAP is...
Collagen for Injury and Recovery for Athletes
Collagen supplementation is gaining popularity among active people, due to the proposed benefits that adding collagen can have on joint health, improving injury outcomes and optimizing recovery. However, most people are jumping into collagen without a great...
Meal Prep Made Simple
When you think about meal planning or meal prep, what comes up for you? Some people swear by meal planning, but more often than not, meal planning gets a bad rap. We’re here to make a case for meal planning as a form of self-care. It really is possible to enjoy not...
Understanding the “Why” Behind Cravings
Cravings happen to all of us, but have you ever wondered why you get them? We have all been there ….we get a desire for something sweet after dinner, or maybe we see something advertised that looks tasty, and then boom, we can’t stop thinking about it until we eat it....
Cold Weather Running: Hydration & Electrolyte Tips
As we all start to set goals and begin our planning and training for those spring races, the one thing that we can’t always predict, especially if you live somewhere where winter bears its teeth, is the weather! What you CAN do is be prepared to train, no matter the...
The Domino Effect of Poor Sleep
Sleep is one of the most valuable tools that we have in our toolkit for overall health and wellness. However, good quality sleep is also one of the first things to be sacrificed when we have a lot on our plates. I know that you know that sleep is important. But, let’s...
Supplements to Manage Recovery & Reduce Muscle Soreness
As athletes, we spend a lot of time training and tending to pre-training, intra-training and post-training nutrition. One thing that sometimes falls through the cracks is a dedicated nutrition foundation and plan for recovery. It happens to the best of us, but missing...
Identifying and Understanding RED-S
What is RED-S? RED-S, or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, is a syndrome characterized by impaired physiological functioning caused by not having enough energy for your body to support your metabolic rate, menstrual function, bone health, immunity protein...
Can Drinking be Merry and Not Scary?
Tis the season to “Eat, Drink, & Be Merry!” A couple of weeks ago in the newsletter and on the blog, we spent some time unpacking mindfulness for the holidays as it pertains to food, and any outdated or negative thought patterns that may translate to stress...