We use our gut EVERY DAY! So, we have to make it happy so it functions optimally.
Have you ever considered implementing prebiotics and/or probiotics? Maybe you already take them in supplement form, or have been trying to eat more food sources that are pre or pro-biotics. If you are unsure of what either is, what they do and their benefits, read on!
Our gut lining, like every surface on our body, is covered in bacteria. These bacteria in our gut create a micro-ecosystem called the microbiome. With SO much research now in this area, we are learning this plays a HUGE ROLE in your health (it may even affect your mood and behavior!)
Why is this important? Because we count on our gut to do a lot for us, to digest, metabolize and absorb nutrients, to transport, to rid waste, etc. And, as athletes, our nutritional needs are higher, so we ask our gut to do more work for us.
What are pre and probiotics for athletes?
Prebiotics – Think of these as the food for probiotics. These are naturally occurring, non-digestible food components that essentially, set up the environment for probiotics to thrive.
Probiotics – Think of these as the bacteria that help our digestive process work its best. Also naturally found in your gut, probiotics can work together with prebiotics to boost health and promote GI health.
What works better for gut health – food or supplements?
Incorporating more plant-based foods into your nutrition plan will help feed your gut microbiome and foster a positive environment for optimal digestion, nutrient absorption and regular bowel movements, to name a few!
I know what you’re thinking…”Can’t I just take a supplement?”
The thing with probiotics is there SO MANY different strains, each with their own unique benefits and properties. Certain GI conditions have shown positive results with probiotic supplementation, but research for probiotic supplementation is in such an early stage still. I have high hopes that we will know so much more in the coming years!
Additionally, having pre-biotic rich foods will help you get the necessary fiber in daily to promote a healthy gut and reap the benefits of all the anti-oxidants that come along with it – a supplement won’t do that.
How to choose the best prebiotics and probiotics for athletes
If you want to experiment with this, I would highly suggest speaking with a Registered Dietitian who can fully assess your diet to decide the best strain(s) for your concerns. Here are some general tips on choosing a probiotic supplement and potential benefits.
As always, if you need help with figuring out your own unique needs, I am here to help. Reach out anytime!
Talk soon,