How to Stay Hydrated This Summer


You know that staying hydrated during training & races is important, but don’t forget about maintaining your hydration daily!

Right now as you are reading this, you are sweating. Many of us think we need to be moving or exercising to be sweating, but that isn’t the case!

Summer is a prime time to fall behind on hydration, as our sweat rates increase.

Common signs of dehydration include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Training feels harder
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of focus and concentration

All of these signs aren’t all that different from under-fueling, either. So, you might have to do some detective work to understand your needs.

Women typically require 2.7L/day, men 3.7L/day, or roughly 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. This does not account for sweat loss with exercise.

Assessing your urine color can also be a great tool. Have you ever noticed your urine is darker in the morning? That is because we wake up ~1% dehydrated. This typically improves as the day goes on as you increase your fluid intake.

Tips for staying hydrated

5 ways to stay hydrated this summer (or anytime!)

Helpful ways to stay hydrated this summer

  • Carry around a reusable water bottle. Throwing ice in and flavoring it with citrus or other 100% fruit juices helps to spice it up, too!
  • Brew up a cup of your favorite herbal or decaf tea. Pouring it over ice is a great alternative in the summer as well.
  • Sparkling water is another great way to rehydrate and these days, there are so many fun options out there!
  • Did you know you can rehydrate not just by drinking fluids? Many fruits and vegetables contain a great amount of water. For example, watermelon and lettuce both contain 90-100% of water!
  • Additionally, through sweat and body losses, you can lose a great number of electrolytes. Of the electrolytes, sodium chloride is lost in the highest amount. Proper hydration ensures proper electrolyte function. If you plan on working out intensely for more than 60 minutes, you need to replenish electrolytes. The easiest way to do this is through a sports drink or food supplement with water included.

Take care of yourself this summer and drink your fluids!

Whether you’re swimming at the beach or taking a walk around the neighborhood, dehydration can easily occur without you realizing it.

Do you have any tips to stay on top of your hydration?

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